- Big Book, Alcoholics Anonymous and Alanon
- Bradshaw On: The Family and Creating Love, by John Bradshaw
- Beyond Codependency: And Getting Better All the Time; Codependent No More: How to Stop Controlling Others and Start Caring for Yourself, and Codependents’ Guide to the Twelve Steps, Melody Beattie
- Facing Codependence: What It Is, Where It Comes From, and How It Sabotages Our Lives, by Pia Mellody & Andrea Wells Miller
- Facing Codependency, Pia Mellody
- Healing The Child Within: Discovery and Recovery for Adult Children of Dysfunctional Families, by Charles L. Whitfield
- Reclaim your family from addiction: How couples and families recover love and meaning, by Craig Nakken
- When Things Fall Apart: Heart Advice for Difficult Times, and Getting Unstuck, by Pema Chödrön
- Boundaries and Where to Draw the Line: How to Set Healthy Boundaries Every Day, by Anne Katherine
- Naikan: Gratitude, Grace and the Japanese Art of Self-Reflection, by Gregg Krech
- How to get the love you want, by Harville Hendrix BOOK AND WORKBOOK
- Man’s Search for Meaning, Viktor Frankl, M.D.
- Addictive Thinking: Understanding Self-Deception, by Abraham J. Twerski, M.D.
- Overcoming Perfectionist, Ann Smith
- The Dance of Anger, by Harriet G. Lerner, Phd
- Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway, by Susanne Jeffers
- I Thought It Was Me, Brene Brown
- Self Esteem, 3rd Edition, and Couple Skills, by Matthew McKay & Patrick Fanning
- Handbook of Higher Consciousness, by Ken Keyes, Jr.
- Transcending the Levels of Consciousness, by David R. Hawkins, MD, Phd
- Emotional Intelligence, and Social Intelligence, by Daniel Goldman
- Language of Emotions: What your feelings are trying to tell you, by Karla McLaren
- Letting Go of Shame: Understanding how shame affects your life, by Ronald Potter-Efron and Patricia Potter-Efron
- Soul of Shame, by Byron Brown
- Toxic Parents: Overcoming their hurtful legacy and reclaiming your life, by Dr. Susan Forward
- Out of the Shadows, by Patrick Carnes, Ph.D.
- Art of Living Consciously, and Six Pillars of Self-esteem, by Nathaniel Branden
- Your Body Believes Every Word You Say, by Barbara Hoberman Levine
- The Power of Intention, and The Shift, by Wayne Dyer
- There’s Nothing Wrong with You, Willingness is the Key, and When Falling, DIVE, & How to get from where you are to where you want to be, I don’t want to, I don’t feel like it: How Resistance controls your life, by Cheri Huber
- Non-Violent Communication, by Marshall Rosenberg
- Being Genuine: Stop being kind and start being real, by Thomas D’Ansembourg
- Unconditional Parenting, by Alfie Kohn
- SQ21: the twenty one essential skills for Spiritual Intelligence, Cindy Wigglesworth
- The Diamond Approach: An Introduction, by John Davis
- Many Roads, One Journey: Moving beyond the 12 steps, by Charlotte Davis Kasl, Phd
- The Power of Now, and Transcending Ego, by Eckhart Tolle